Version 03.01, June 2018 Slew rate triggers when the time required by a signal edge to toggle between user-defined upper and lower voltage levels is shorter, longer, inside or outside the interval; edge slope may be positive, negative or either toggle time 50 ps to 10 000 s Data2clock triggers on setup time and hold time violations between clock and data present on any two input channels; monitored time interval may be specified by the user in the range from –100 ns to 100 ns around a clock edge and must be at least 100 ps wide Pattern triggers when a logical combination (and, nand, or, nor) of the input channels stays true for a period of time shorter, longer, inside or outside a specified range State triggers when a logical combination (and, nand, or, nor) of the input channels stays true at a slope (positive, negative or either) in one selected channel Advanced trigger modes Trigger qualification trigger events may be qualified by a logical combination of unused channels qualifiable events edge, glitch, width, runt, window, timeout, interval Sequence trigger (A/B/R trigger) triggers on B event after occurrence of A event; delay condition after A event specified either as time interval or number of B events; an optional R event resets the trigger sequence to A A event any trigger mode B event edge, glitch, width, runt, window, timeout, interval, slew rate R event edge, glitch, width, runt, window, timeout, interval, slew rate Zone trigger with R&S®RTP-K19 option External trigger input input impedance 50 Ω (nom.) max. input voltage 5 V (RMS) trigger level range ±5 V sensitivity, for input frequency ≤ 500 MHz 300 mV (peak-to-peak) input coupling 50 Ω, GND, HF reject (attenuates > 50 kHz), LF reject (attenuates < 50 kHz) trigger modes edge (rise or fall) Trigger out functionality a pulse is generated for every acquisition trigger event output voltage 0 V to 5 V at high impedance 0 V to 2.5 V at 50 Ω pulse width selectable between 4 ns and 60 ms pulse polarity low active or high active output delay depends on trigger settings jitter ±600 ps (meas.) 8Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RTP High-Performance Oscilloscope