USBTiny-MkII SLIM programmer. Part 2 - Launching and working with programmer in AVR Studio and AVRDude

The project is intended for noncommercial usage only

Paweł Kisielewski

Part 1 - Schematic

USBTiny-MkII SLIM programmer.

After correct soldering, connect your programmer to USB port. You will see a notification that your PC found a new device called “AT90USB162 DFU”. Download and install the FLIP software from Atmel. Then, install DFU drivers from AtmelFlipusb folder. After correct install, start FLIP, click on the “chip” icon, and select at90usb162 from the list. Then, click on the 2nd “usb cable” icon, select USB, and OPEN in next window. FLIP should detect your chip with no problem – if it can’t (you get error message), it means that you did something wrong. You can reinstall the driver, connect to another usb port, or reboot your system.

If you chip is brand new (empty) then after connect it will automatically start in bootloader mode. If you want to upgrade firmware, then put the HWB jumper on, and short RST pins. Chip will start in bootloader mode. Jumper can be removed.

If we want to compile the code for our own, we will need only WinAvr in 2010-01-10 version. Select make clean and then make all – that’s it. But we can choose here the software under which we want to compile the firmware. If we want to use it with AvrDude, then open the makefile file and add following line:


Next step is to send our firmware to chip. Click on the first “open book” icon and select our HEX file. Then hit the RUN button. We should have checked the “erase”, “program”, and “verify” checkboxes. Code will be written very fast. Now, just reconnect programmer to usb port – or short the RST pins, and you should get two LEDs lit.

After that, PC will detect new device LUFA AVRISP MkII CLONE – it’s time to install driver for this. If we want to use programmer with AvrStudio, install driver from AtmelAVR Toolsusb folder – this folder is created when installing AvrStudio. But if we want to us it with AvrDude, then install the LIBUSB driver. Unpack files, run inf-wizard app, select our programmer from list, save created file, and click on install now or use windows installer. LED1 should light up – this means that programmer is ready to work – congratulations, that’s it.

In AvrStudio, click on the Con button, then select AVRISP mkII from list, and hit connect.

In AvrDude, change your programmer type in command line for: -c avrisp2 -P usb or -c avrispmkII -P usb.