.. If you apply a specific voltage to a resistor, you can compute the resulting current with: I = R/V Example: I = 100 Ohm / 5 Volt = 20 mA Obviously that does not work with LEDs because they don't behave like a linear resistor. If you look at ...
.. is amplified by the CA3140 opamp. This is configured as a differential amplifier and will produce an output of about 1 volt per uA of input current. The photodiode, can be placed up to a meter or so away from the circuit. Screened cable ...
.. design. First is a 6 amp Polyswitch fuse, it is self-resetting, and also protects against high temperatures. Next is an 18 volt surge absorber. Finally, the circuit has current limiting using a method I invented that limits based on ...
.. you need.. I chose to use a Sony remote control (SR-P30) because it has plenty of room inside to add my circuit and a 9 volt battery while keeping the remote fully functional. The circuit parts: 1. Small circuit board 2. (1) 10 k variable ...
.. solar panel. The later was the way we choose. A solar panel. Our recommendation is the PowerFilm WeatherPro Solar panel 7.2 volt 200 mAh which costs $ 56.95 from Sundance Solar. This company was also the best in terms of service and quality ...
.. batteries are the scourge of cellphone jockeys and iPod people everywhere. But you can avoid volt loss by charging your gadgets while you carry them. Just equip an old messenger bag with a lightweight, ...
.. and connect the wires to the inside of the MP3 player’s Play button. Replace the transformer with the nine-volt DC wall adapter. Connect the five-volt voltage regulator’s input to the adapter, and attach its outputs to ...
.. from the threading process! This isn't exactly the easy way to build such a pen but it gets the idea across. A tiny 10 A 9 Volt alkaline battery was installed and the threaded nylon bushing was tightened. A little clear epoxy fills the LED ...
.. above whatever voltage is on pin 2. Since pin 2 is generally connected to ground - the 7805 is usually referred to as a 5-volt regulator. However, R1, C1 Z1 hold pin 2 at 9v1. Therefore the output at pin 3 will be ( 9v1 + 5 = 14v1 ). ...