.. thermal time constant of about three seconds. Also, solid-state sensor durability is better than that of delicate hot-wire sensors. A detail of Figure 2 worthy of mention is Q 3 , which I include to preclude the possibility of the A 2 ...
.. because it has high gain and low noise; any other transistor with the same characteristics is suitable. A 2- or 3-in. long wire attaches to the output and acts as an antenna. The conversion from audio or video to FM takes place in the ...
.. to calibrate and debug a data-acquisition system to verify basic functionality. The brute-force approach would be to wire all the sensors to the front-end board and use an environmental chamber to set the temperature of the RTDs. An ...
.. as low as 2.7 V. Therefore, the LED driver can drive more than 1500 feet of 24 AWG or 4000 feet of 20 AWG twisted-pair wire with a 100 Ω load resistor at the receiver. You can achieve much longer distances with higher battery ...
.. the wires when the water level falls below the sensors. You can also use any other high-conductivity and noncorrosive wire material in some configurations. The power supply is floating. With few modifications, the circuit in Figure 2 ...
.. over which a line-connected ac load energizes (Figure 1). You can then access the elapsed-time count over a standard one-wire protocol. When you energize the ac load, the optoisolator provides pulses at the ac-line frequency to the input ...
.. L 1 ’s inductance and size, thus reducing ripple current and enabling use of a larger core and increased winding-wire gauge. Reducing the output voltage improves efficiency, but, as output voltage drops below the circuit's 8 V ...
.. microphone can be connected to the input with or without any matching transformer. The circuit is powered through a two-wire output cable, i.e., the load resistor is separated from the circuit by a (screened) cable. The maximum gain is ...
.. can use a microcontroller that includes an ADC to design a two-wire-plus-ground keyboard interface. For example, you can use a resistive voltage divider to identify a pressed key ...
.. 20-turn primary winding and a 12-turn secondary winding, both fabricated from 0.2-mm-diameter, 0.008-in, AWG #32 magnet wire. When transistor Q 1 switches on, it induces a positive voltage in T 1 ’s secondary winding that switches ...