Atmel AVR microcontroller Atmega128 is equipped with internal 4Kbytes of SRAM memory. Is it enough? Well it depends on what project it’s gonna hold. If your project must deal with loads of data or run larger RTOS code you will definitely run ...
Vishwas Vaidya Open-collector outputs are useful for transmitting buffered digital/pulse signals to the external world when high drive is needed. In harsh operating environments like automotive systems, however, these signals need to be protected ...
Recently I’ve working with the little but smart PIC18F14K50 (or your low voltage version, PIC18LF14K50 ). These chips are cheap (about $2,5 at Mouser) and have low pin count, but very impressive specs: USB V2.0 (low and high speed); NanoWatt ...
In the first part we have considered a circuit design and software of Host-part. The target-side consist of device minimum system based on ATmega162 and infrared hardware unit. Device minimum system consist of ATmega162, external SRAM 8 kbyte and ...
Rajendra Bhatt HD44780 based character LCDs require at least 6 I/O lines from microcontroller to display data. Therefore, they are not suitable for low-pin microcontrollers like PIC12F series microchips. In this project, I am going to show how to ...
Stefano Palazzolo, Senago, Italy; Edited by Martin Rowe and Fran Granville EDN Get 1.25V to 3.75V from an adjustable regulator Every PC has a USB (Universal Serial Bus) port that can supply 5V 5% at 500 mA for peripherals. Powered USB hubs also ...
This project makes firmware upgrades easy: The target has an Infrared receiver and the data is sent via IR. The IR transmitter is based on V-USB. The host-side consist of host-program for Win32 PC using Libusb-Win32 , device based on ATmega8 using ...
Miroslav Adzic Serbia Montenegro Description I tested this concept on a little network consisting of three PCs running under Windows 2000. It works well. The network adapters are normal Intel and 3Com models, set to 10 Mbps and Half Duplex. The ...
Till Harbaum Uploading the firmware If you are familiar with Atmel programming you probably know what you are doing. The Makefile in lcd2usb/firmware/Makefile assumes, that you are using a simple STK200 compatible printer port adapter . Connect the ...
Till Harbaum Overview LCD2USB is a open source/open hardware project. The goal of LCD2USB is to connect HD44780 based text LCD displays to various PCs via USB. LCD2USB was meant to be cheap and to be made of easily available parts. It is therefore ...