Circuits & Schematics Interfaces - 9

Subsection: "Interfaces"
Search results: 84 Output: 81-84
  1. Introduction Sometimes you only need a simple and cheap RS232 terminal to get sufficient control over a PC or a RS232 device. There is no need, no space or even no power to place a monitor, a computer case and a keyboard. Maybe there exists also ...
  2. Dave Vanden Bout In an application using a pin-limited microcontroller (MCU), I needed to scan an array of 16 buttons. The technique I used involved a series string of resistors of identical value connected between two bidirectional pins of the ...
  1. By Rahul Srivastava, VU3WJM TNC and Modems ruled the world of digital communications until recently. With the advent of high speed computing and digital signal processing (DSP) all this has changed. If you own a home computer (PC) with a sound ...
  2. PIC 18F4550 and 18F2550 are powerful microcontrollers including a full-speed USB V2.0 compliant interface. With these MCU it's very easy for the hobbyist to design USB devices with very few components. In these pages, I'm describing how to ...