Circuits & Schematics Infineon

Manufacturer: "Infineon"
Search results: 8 Output: 1-8
  1. T.K. Hareendran
    This handheld electric PCB drill speed controller is cheap, easy to build, and only uses a few components. Basically, it is an Arduino Uno based PWM controller that operates at a relatively high frequency (Figure 1). It features almost 0-100% DC ...
    Sep 28, 2023
  2. Rick Mally
    With their excellent isolation and reliability, gate-drive transformers (GDTs) are commonly used for driving half-bridge power circuits. However, they pose challenges when you want to have both switches off for an extended period. This application ...
    Dec 15, 2021
  1. Many applications require the design of custom analog filters (Reference 1). The application for this design required simple and low-cost I/O filters for PLC (power-line communications), where low power consumption is a crucial factor. Figure 1 ...
    Jul 8, 2021
  2. Ajay R. Dandge Electronic Design In microcontroller-based embedded systems, it is imperative to provide a means of triggering system reset to take care of software runaways. Many such remedies involve the implementation of an external watchdog ...
    Aug 4, 2020
  3. David Conrad Electronic Design In this Idea for Design, placing this circuit setup between the battery V DD bus and the PIC microcontroller allows you to execute in-circuit programming while protecting the application circuit. Many PIC processors ...
    Mar 6, 2019
  4. Peter Demchenko
    This Design Idea illustrates a way to make use of MOSFETs’ parasitic body diodes in a power circuit that can be used in UPS and energy-recovery (e.g., regenerative braking) designs (Figure 1). Figure 1. The circuit can work in two modes: as a ...
    Jan 29, 2019
  5. Luca Bruno
    You can use the circuit in Figure 1 to obtain a low regulated voltage, such as 5 V dc, from a higher voltage, rectified, sinusoidal voltage source without resorting to an electrically noisy dc/dc converter or wasting watts in a dropping resistor. ...
    Sep 12, 2017
  6. Sajjad Haidar
    A simple blocking oscillator circuit can be used to step up voltage using properties of coil inductance ( V = L di/dt ). Such a circuit is shown in Figure 1, which is more commonly called a Joule thief. Figure 1. Basic Joule Thief circuit. The ...
    Jan 19, 2017

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