Circuits & Schematics - Wireless - 3

Subsection: "Wireless"
Search results: 69 Output: 21-30
  1. Marko Kannisto, Maxim Integrated Application Note 5147 Pretend that the weather is warm and it is a nice time to be outdoors chatting with friends. You want some background music, but where will it come from? When people want portable music, they ...
    Feb 3, 2016
  2. Boris Landoni Part 1 - Specification and Schematic Operation The receiver provides for the control of the two channels by a 433 MHz remote control with MM53200 / Holtek HT12 encoding or a compatible one. Each channel is ...
    Oct 30, 2015
  1. Boris Landoni, Since when white light emitting high brightness LED are available, the handover from traditional lighting bulbs to the solid-state lighting has become irreversible: LEDs have an efficiency (expressed in ...
    Sep 29, 2015
  2. Robert Kong Embedded Developer, September 2014 This application note describes how to digitize analog sensors and how to transmit their values wirelessly using the NXP configurable tiny logic gates 74AXP1G57 (see Appendix). The ability of these ...
    Jul 30, 2015
  3. Lee Ee, FTDI Chip Electronic Design Using a basic GPS-specific chip and some standard support ICs, you can build a USB dongle that provides GPS capability with a Windows PC, enabling geolocation functions and features. The GPS dongle reports data ...
    Apr 1, 2015
  4. Application Note JN-AN-1166 Version 1.1 December 2013 This application note provides and describes a set of NXP software drivers for use with ‘smart lamps’. These software drivers are intended to be used in applications that run on ...
    Jan 4, 2014
  5. Application Note JN-AN-1079 November 2013 This document aims to highlight the issues affecting the co-existence of IEEE 802.15.4-based systems in the presence of interference. The measures employed by the 802.15.4 standard to ensure reliable ...
    Jan 1, 2014
  6. Application Note AN11336 December 2013 NXP Semiconductors' BGU8010 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) LNA Evaluation Boards is designed to evaluate the performance of the GNSS LNA using: NXP Semiconductors' BGU8010 GNSS Low Noise Amplifier A ...
    Jan 1, 2014
  7. Application Note AN143 December 2013 Michel Azarian, Will Ezel Presented is a simple model that can be used to accurately predict the level of reference spurs due to charge pump and/or op amp leakage current in a PLL system. Knowing how to predict ...
    Dec 29, 2013
  8. Circuits Wireless Radio Application Notes Microchip MRF24J40 MRF24J40MA MRF24J40MB MRF24J40MC
    Application Note AN1629 October 2013 Pradeep Shamanna The increased popularity of short range wireless in home, building and industrial applications with 2.4 GHz band requires the system designers to understand the methods, estimation, cost and ...
    Dec 29, 2013