Circuits & Schematics Allegro

Manufacturer: "Allegro"
Search results: 6 Output: 1-6
  1. Rama Sarma Sandeep Satav
    Popularly known as “gauss meters,” various makes and models of magnetic field meters are available on the market at prices that make them unaffordable to many hobbyists and engineers. This Design Idea combines a commonly available DMM ...
    Jun 9, 2022
  2. I recently needed to control nine seven-segment displays for a microcontroller's serial port. The complication I faced was the need to provide a continuous brightness adjustment for all the digits from completely dark to fully bright. I ...
    Mar 26, 2021
  1. Ajoy Raman
    This Design Idea presents a minimal-parts-count, wide-range voltage doubler using the inherent voltage-doubling characteristics of a one-transformer push-pull dc/dc converter. The implementation uses a high-voltage Darlington-array driver, ULN2023A ...
    Sep 4, 2018
  2. Circuits Allegro UGN3503U
    Pete Back Shed This project demonstrates magnetic levitation. It's a fun and educational project. Magnet Levitation I seen a gadget that had a magnet levitating in mid air, and started to wonder how it was done, so decided to test a few ...
    Oct 21, 2016
  3. Part 1 - Theory In the first part of this discussion, the features of ACS712 device were briefly discussed. Now we will use that theory to implement the ACS712 sensor to make a simple DC current meter. The analog output voltage from the sensor is ...
    Nov 10, 2012
  4. Sensing and controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in a wide variety of applications including, over-current protection circuits, battery chargers, switching mode power supplies, digital watt meters, programmable current sources, ...
    Nov 10, 2012

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