Circuits & Schematics Linear Technology - 7

Manufacturer: "Linear Technology"
Search results: 125 Output: 61-70
  1. Victor Khasiev
    Introduction Positive-to-negative DC/DC conversion (inverting output) is widely used in LCD devices, OLED displays, audio amplifiers, industrial equipment, measurement tools, test systems, LED drivers and battery chargers. In all of these cases, ...
    May 9, 2017
  2. Victor Khasiev
    Introduction The LTC®3110 bidirectional buck-boost DC/DC regulator charges and balances a supercapacitor when a bus voltage is present (for example 3.3 V) and discharges the supercapacitor into the load when the bus fails. The LTC3110 maintains ...
    May 5, 2017
  1. Mitchell Lee
    A source of fast pulse edges, simulating a step function, is often useful in making lab measurements of one kind or another. For example, it is possible to evaluate the rise time of RG-58/U or other coaxial cables using lengths of only 10 to 20 ...
    May 2, 2017
  2. Marty Merchant, Linear Technology Design Note 470 Introduction The LTCR3577/LTC3577-1 integrates a number of portable device power management functions into one IC, reducing complexity, cost and board area in handheld devices. The major functions ...
    Apr 20, 2017
  3. Victor Khasiev
    Introduction The LTC®3890 (dual outputs) and LTC3891 (single output) step-down DC/DC controllers directly accept inputs from 4 V to 60 V. This wide input range covers input voltages for single or double battery automotive environments, thus ...
    Apr 17, 2017
  4. Kris Lokere, Linear Technology Electronic Design Low-range current (coulomb counting) measurement is a challenge when the associated voltage is relatively high, but a configuration of standard ICs meets the requirements. A coulomb counter can ...
    Apr 11, 2017
  5. Joshua Yee, Linear Technology Design Note 535 Introduction For charging relatively low capacity batteries, or maintenance charging backup and keep-alive batteries, linear topology battery chargers are valued for their compact footprints, simplicity ...
    Mar 29, 2017
  6. Circuits Analogue Design Linear Technology LT1637 LT5400 LT6018 LTC2378-20 LTC2387-18
    Erjon Qirko and Kris Lokere, Linear Technology Design Note 1039 Introduction The LT6018 is an ultralow noise (1.2 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz) operational amplifier with ultralow distortion ( 115 dB at 1 kHz). It has a gain bandwidth product of 15 MHz, ...
    Mar 6, 2017
  7. Matthew Grant, Linear Technology Design Note 556 Introduction The LT®3952 monolithic LED driver includes a 4 A, 60 V DMOS power switch, excellent for driving high current LEDs in buck mode. Among its many features is an input current sense ...
    Mar 1, 2017
  8. Fran Hoffart, Linear Technology Design Note 491 Introduction Advances in low power electronics now allow placement of battery-powered sensors and other devices in locations far from the power grid. Ideally, for true grid independence, the batteries ...
    Feb 1, 2017

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