Circuits & Schematics Vishay

Manufacturer: "Vishay"
Search results: 15 Output: 1-10
  1. Hesam Moshiri
    An obstacle detection unit is an essential part of a variety of projects, such as robotics and security applications. The infrared sensors are widely used for these types of applications. The main drawback of some circuit designs is that the ...
    Apr 17, 2024
  2. Ana Gómez Jorge Marcos
    Many electronic-control systems have digital outputs that use transistors. One method of improving the security in these outputs is to use an oscillating signal to represent a logic-high state instead of a fixed voltage level (Figure 1). This type ...
    Dec 19, 2022
  1. Sajjad Haidar
    Power control using the linear region of an active device, such as a MOSFET, is not an efficient option. However if the range of power control is restricted to the lower or upper end of the range, using the linear region is not a bad choice. For ...
    Apr 7, 2022
  2. John Betten
    Circuits Supply Vishay SI2308DS Si2337DS
    For some ICs, supply voltages should be applied in a particular sequence. One example is the subscriber line interface circuit (SLIC), which, depending on the application, may require several negative and/or positive voltages. The larger voltages ...
    Dec 13, 2021
  3. Paul Moffat
    I was using a thermoelectric cooler for a camping trip and discovered the next morning that my car battery was dead from the load. I never expected a 3.5-A load to drain the battery in eight hours. So I went about making a circuit that could be ...
    Dec 1, 2021
  4. Jim McLucas
    If you use a function generator, you may occasionally require a sine-wave output at a higher frequency than the generator can provide. If your function generator also produces a triangle-wave output, you can use a frequency doubler to extend the ...
    May 26, 2021
  5. Circuits Supply Power Vishay BYV26C BYV28-50 IRFP450 UF5406
    A simple high-voltage MOSFET inverter solves the problem of driving a high-side MOSFET, using a low-voltage transistor, Q 1 , and a special arrangement involving D 6 (Figure 1). This inverter is much faster than those that optocouplers drive, so ...
    Jan 26, 2021
  6. Marc Ysebaert EDN Although a monolithic low-dropout regulator has superior dynamic characteristics, the discrete regulator in this Design Idea is so simple that you can adapt it to many purposes. Using a common transistor, it has a dropout voltage ...
    Jun 14, 2018
  7. Andreas Grün
    Often, you need to transmit a couple of bits or bytes of data to a microcontroller without a direct cable connection. One simple way to achieve this goal is to use a widely available IR receiver, such as a TSOP17xx or similar receiver from Vishay ...
    May 23, 2018
  8. Tom Bruhns EDN The novelty circuit in Figure 1 illustrates the extremely low gate-leakage current typical of modern power MOSFETs. You can find parts that, in a moderately dry environment, will hold their state for days at a time. In operation, if ...
    Mar 11, 2018

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