.. S. Cook hackster.io In this project, I am showing you how to build a digital laser tachometer based on Arduino for around 10$. If you need to measure rotational speed, you can just buy it or do it yourself and learn ...
.. article describes a portable breadboard-friendly adjustable power supply, designed as an ideal supply for Arduino projects and other low-power circuits. It is capable of providing from 0 V to 5.5 V at up to 0.5 A, and is ...
.. (optically) with the mains voltage. So we can expect to get a noise-free signal which can be safely connected to the Arduino I/Os. The Figure 3 demonstrates the zero-crossing detector output signal (Pin-4 of the IC1). For sure you ...
.. Designing A Li-Ion Battery Charger and Load Sharing System TinyUPS project in EasyEDA Downloads Schematic and PCB files, Arduino scketch, Software and instructions for Raspberry Pi
.. the description of what every button does in the picture. People who know C can easily adapt my code to make it run on the arduino or other platforms it's just a matter of changing the output and input commands. The code is fully ...
.. was submitted by Bernard Klinc as part of the “Hobby parts for articles” program. Bernard did not need the Arduino kit so we sent him an 2 × 16 LCD display for this great article. This project demonstrates the use of ...
.. breadboard template (PDF format) Note: Your browser may not like trying to render many small circles. These variations have Arduino Diecimila connectors on the page also: Electronic breadboard template (SVG format) Electronic breadboard ...
.. waveforms as displayed on the PC screen when. The Easy Pulse output signal can be connected to a digital input pin of Arduino or ChipKIT board to find its frequency. If you multiply the frequency by 60, you will get the heart rate in ...