Nuvoton Launches NuMicro Mini51 Series

Nuvoton NuMicro Mini51

Brand New 32-bit MCU Powered by the ARM Cortex-M0

Following the success of the NuMicro M051 series, Nuvoton Technology launched the brand new Mini51 series 32-bit microcontroller, powered by the ARM Cortex-M0 processor. Equipped with a variety of analog and mixed signal components and high-speed communication interfaces, the Mini51 series has been elaborated to meet customer’s need in reduced component count, board space, low power consumption, low cost, and high performance.

Nuvoton запускает в производство микроконтроллеры серии NuMicro Mini51

The Mini51 series with the ARM Cortex-M0 core runs up to 24 MHz (21.6 DMIPS) and features a 32-bit single-cycle multiplier, NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller), built-in Flash memory from 4KB to 16KB, 2K Bytes SRAM, size configurable Data Flash, and high-speed high-performance communication interfaces, such as SPI , I2C , and UART . The series also offers rich analog peripherals, including 8 channels of 10-bit high speed SAR ADC, 2-channel comparators, power on reset (POR), and brown-out detect (BOD) reset, etc. In addition, a number of functions also enrich the capability of the Mini51 series, including six PWM outputs with dead-zone control and center alignment, two 32-bit timers, internal 10 kHz RC driven watchdog timer, 22.1184 MHz internal oscillator (HIRC), and dynamically calibrating the HIRC OSC to 22.0 MHz ±1% from -400C to 850C by the external 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (LXT).

In terms of development tools, Nuvoton Technology provides simple, easy-to-use and full-featured development systems for customers to develop products using the Mini51 series. With ISP, ICP, On-line/Off-line programming capability, abundant hardware tools including the NuTiny-Mini51 SDK development tool and Nu-LB-Mini51 learning board, standalone writer and gang-programmer are available to help customers shorten the time-to-market for product development and production. Besides the tools provided by Nuvoton Technology, Keil RVMDK, IAR EWARM and CooCox - a free and open development tool also support the complete development tool chain with project manager, editor, compiler tools, and other C-SPY debugger for the Mini51 series.

NuTiny-Mini51 SDK development tool and Nu-LB-Mini51 learning board

Currently mass production of the Mini51 series has begun and all products in the series are packaged with the QFN33 (5mm×5mm), QFN33 (4mm×4mm), and LQFP48 (7mm×7mm). For PCB size consideration, the QFN33 (4mm×4mm) is the best choice. Also, there are different built-in memory options in the same package with the same pin assignment to meet the needs of different program functions.