Software helps build machine-to-machine applications

Wind River Wind River Intelligent Device Platform

Wind River introduced the latest version of Wind River Intelligent Device Platform, a complete software development environment used for building machine-to-machine (M2M) applications and devices that communicate with the cloud. The platform provides ready-to-use components to secure, manage, and connect Internet of Things (IoT) gateways.

Wind River Intelligent Device Platform

Intelligent Device Platform is a scalable and secure solution that simplifies the development, integration, and deployment of IoT gateways. It is based on the Wind River market-leading operating systems, which are standards-compliant and fully tested, as well as Wind River development tools. The platform contains device security, smart connectivity, rich network options, and device management.

The latest version of Intelligent Device Platform includes the following key features:

  • Gateway security: Delivers security features designed to secure the communication channel, the data and the end device
  • Application enablement: Provides Lua, Java, and OSGi application environments to enable portable and scalable application development on both resource-constrained and full-featured devices
  • Device connectivity: Embraces IoT protocol MQTT for data transportation and native support for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and short-range wireless protocols widely used in IoT devices
  • Remote device management: Supports well-established management protocols such as TR-069 and OMA DM

The Wind River Intelligent Device Platform is optimized for Intel architecture and is an integral part of the Intel-based family of intelligent gateway solutions, a packaged and pre-validated hardware and software product for gateways that connect legacy systems and provide common interfaces between devices and the cloud. The first set of solutions will be available in the first quarter of 2014.

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