News & Press Releases Rohde&Schwarz - 2

Manufacturer: "Rohde&Schwarz"
Search results: 42 Output: 11-20
  1. Mobile communications and consumer devices require ever faster interfaces to transmit and process the continually increasing volumes of multimedia data. For this purpose, the MIPI Alliance has defined the MIPI M-PHY standard, a physical interface ...
  2. Rohde Schwarz is expanding its DOCSIS portfolio with the R S SFD DOCSIS® signal generator, which delivers signals in line with the DOCSIS 3.1 transmission standard in real time. This enables cable network operators and component manufacturers ...
  1. Rohde Schwarz has been selected to provide a pair of 78 kW solid state UHF transmitters for NBCUniversal-owned NBC 5 / KXAS and Telemundo 39 / KXTX in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX as part of their plan to prepare for the repack and ATSC 3.0. The company's ...
  2. Rohde Schwarz presents the R S RTO2000 , the most compact lab oscilloscope for multi-domain applications. When using it to check advanced embedded designs, developers are able to analyze how sophisticated functional units such as power supplies, ...
  3. Rohde Schwarz has been chosen by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense to deliver additional R S VCS-4G voice communications system (VCS) equipment for the Papa NATO airbase in Hungary. After successfully completing the site acceptance test for phase 1 ...
  4. 14-12-2015
  5. What started with GSM is now continuing on an exponential scale with fifth generation mobile radio (5G). Manufacturers of base stations and end user devices are facing the challenge of opening time and location dependent radio channels. This is why ...
  6. Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. (AsiaSat) and Rohde Schwarz have partnered to advance next-generation Ultra HD (UHD) TV technologies by implementing the first free to air (FTA) UHD channel on AsiaSat 4. The R S AVHE100 encoding solution ...
  7. Rohde Schwarz has again expanded its range of trigger and decoder options for the R S RTO and R S RTE. With the R S RTx-K50 , the oscilloscopes help users debug serial protocols that employ Manchester or NRZ coding. The option can be used with a ...
  8. Measurement Rohde&Schwarz R&S RTO-K52 R&S RTO-K13
    Rohde Schwarz expands the application field of its R S RTO oscilloscope by adding an option to decode and analyze 8b/10b encoded interfaces up to 6.25 Gbit/s. The new software option's full autoset function configures all settings at the push ...

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