Circuits & Schematics - Interfaces - 4

Subsection: "Interfaces"
Search results: 86 Output: 31-40
  1. Michele Costantino EDN This Design Idea describes a simple and effective way to provide optoisolation for devices connected on the I 2 C bus (Figure 1). It improves on an earlier version (Reference 1). SDA and SCL are on the bus master’s side ...
    Apr 10, 2018
  2. Dan Meeks EDN Most current microprocessors, DSPs, and field-programmable gate arrays integrate hardware and software resources that support either or both of two common interface standards SPI (serial-peripheral interface) and I 2 C ...
    Feb 22, 2018
  1. Rex Niven
    The ubiquitous LCD (Figure 1) (and VFD) modules based on the HD44780 controller IC can require up to 12 lines from the host. Figure 1. A typical LCD module. This hardware interface Design Idea (Figure 2) reduces the connection to just one wire, ...
    May 24, 2017
  2. Ryan Metivier, Analog Devices EDN Home-based power-line networking signals are similar to xDSL (digitalsubscriber- line) signals in that they both typically employ a form of OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing). Both applications ...
    Jan 6, 2017
  3. Jacob Beningo
    Circuits Interfaces Computers and Peripherals FTDI FT232R ADuM3211 Si8421BB-D-IS
    I stood in stunned silence at the smoke billowing up from the hardware on the workbench. Just moments before, it had been operating as expected, before self-destructing with a sound that can only be compared with a gunshot. The failure of the ...
    May 18, 2016
  4. Circuits Interfaces Maxim PCA9600 DS18S20
    Girish Choudankar Electronic Design The 1-Wire interface is low-cost and effective, but useful only for a very short distance; by using a standard bus-buffer IC, this distance can be extended while creating a convenient interface to a ...
    Feb 14, 2016
  5. By Darwin Tolentino The controller area network (CAN) serial-bus topology allows devices and microcontrollers to communicate with each other without the use of a host computer. Featuring arbitration-free transmission, it places a controller and a ...
    Mar 25, 2014
  6. Circuits Automation Interfaces Radio Networks Application Notes Maxim DS8500 MAX15007 MAX5216 MAX6133 MAX9620
    Reference Design APP 5610 December 2013 Yuriy Kurtsevoy, Stuart Smith This reference design shows how to develop a high-performance, high-voltage 2- or 3-wire 4­20 mA current-loop transmitter suitable for industrial process control and smart ...
    Jan 3, 2014
  7. Application Note AND9149/D August 2013 NCN5120 is a receiver-transmitter IC suitable for use in KNX® twisted pair networks (KNX TP1-256). It supports the connection of actuators, sensors, microcontrollers, switches or other applications in a ...
    Nov 16, 2013
  8. Part 1 - Schematic Part 2 - Software Optimising the line drawing algorithm The first versions of my driver code featured the Extremely Fast Line Drawing Algorithm (EFLA). It seemed to perform well and so I didn’t turn my attention to ...
    Oct 9, 2013