.. The circuit uses low-power passive components except for the 5-mW resistor R S , which is manufactured with calibrated wire of well-known ohms/meter characteristics. Materials on the topic Datasheet Microsemi 2N2060 Datasheet Microsemi ...
.. coil to switch back on again, effectively keeping the magnet in levitation. I wound a small coil with 0.45 mm enamel copper wire (Figure 2), over all size and number of turns is not over important, but the resistance needs to be high enough ...
.. about 21 kHz. Figure 2. The tuner with forced quenching. The antenna coil is composed of five turns of space wound AWG 18 wire on a 1/4 form. The windings are spaced one wire-width apart, so you can close-wind two windings on the form and ...
.. you can measure very small inductances such as the 300-something nH you see on the Figure 6. It’s just 12 turns of a wire. Figure 6. Arduino-based Inductance Meter: Even very small inductance values can be measured. Downloads Arduino ...
.. the piezoelectric speaker. Mount the speaker so that you’ll hear it when it sounds. Figure 3. Use a sponge and copper wire to form a water probe. Transistors Q 1 and Q 2 can be any general-purpose NPN and PNP types, respectively. The ...
.. can be used to provide a higher supply voltage in remote micropower applications not using local batteries, such as in a 1-Wire serial interface network. Figure 3. Voltage tripler. If you need an even higher supply voltage, you can expand ...
.. to the end circuit. Diode D 1 blocks power to the relay, and the protection circuit dissipates no power. Figure 3. You can wire a relay switch to pass power to your system with no power loss. D 2 clamps inductive kicks from the relay coil. ...
.. an easily constructible milliohmmeter. I found the answer in a manufacturer's data sheet, which outlined the basic four-wire method of making low-resistance measurements. The method uses a voltage-reference IC as the input stage for a ...
.. Choudankar Electronic Design The 1-Wire interface is low-cost and effective, but useful only for a very short distance; by using a standard bus-buffer ...
.. ADC and EEPROM. Figure 1. LTM4676: Dual 13 A Output uModule Regulator with PMBus Interface. The LTM4676’s 2-wire serial interface allows outputs to be margined, tuned and ramped up and down at programmable slew rates with ...