Envia Systems Achieves World Record Energy Density for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries

Envia Systems

Envia Systems' Breakthrough 400 Watt-hour/kilogram Lithium-ion Battery is Poised to Revolutionize Cost, Range and Safety in Electric Vehicles

Envia Systems announced test results that verify the company’s next-generation rechargeable battery has achieved the highest recorded energy density of 400 Watt-hours/kilogram (Wh/kg) for a rechargeable lithium-ion cell. When commercialized, this 400 Wh/kg battery is expected to slash the price of a 300-mile range electric vehicle by cutting the cost of the battery pack by more than 50 percent.

Envia Systems - Li-Ion battery

There are three active components of the battery, Si-C anode, HCMR cathode and EHV electrolyte, that helped to achieve the new record for automotive rechargeable lithium-ion battaries. These components are Envia's property.

The testing of Envia’s next-generation lithium-ion battery was performed by the Electrochemical Power Systems Department at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Ind., under the sponsorship of ARPA-E. Tests at various cycling rates at NSWC confirmed that Envia’s automotive battery cell demonstrated energy density between 378-418 Wh/kg for rates between C/3 to C/10 for a 45 Amp-hour (C/3) cell. Similar cells have been cycling in Envia’s test labs for over 300 cycles.
