Articles Texas Instruments - 6

Manufacturer: "Texas Instruments"
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  1. David Zhang LEDs Magazine In many solid-state lighting (SSL) applications, such as architectural, area, and downlighting, color accuracy is very important. Moreover, an increasing number of products support dynamic color tuning to set the white ...
    Feb 10, 2019
  2. Lou Frenzel
    Interfaces Texas Instruments ISO1042 ISO105 SN6505 TPS76350
    Controller area networks, used for communication purposes in many systems, are vulnerable to high-voltage transients. However, certain devices can help better guard against those problems. The controller area network (CAN) is a very popular serial ...
    Jan 30, 2019
  1. Jeff Falin EDN Because of process limitations, all ICs have an input-voltage limitation. This limitation can be cumbersome when you try to step down a high supply voltage to a lower, regulated voltage using a dc/dc converter, such as a linear ...
    Jan 22, 2019
  2. Lou Frenzel
    Often used for overcurrent protection, current-sense amplifiers are now finding homes in a wide array of applications, including automotive electronic fuses and three-phase motor control. If you're seeking a way to measure current and power in ...
    Dec 20, 2018
  3. Robert Hanrahan
    Supply Texas Instruments ATL431 LM385 LM4040 TPS2513
    Zeners are commonly used as low-current sources for bias voltage functions, but the proper voltage reference can give the same result and with much-lower dissipation and no performance tradeoffs. There are times when you need to bias a low-current ...
    Dec 20, 2018
  4. Measurement Texas Instruments INA233 INA219 INA226 INA231 INA3221
    Dennis Hudgins, Texas Instruments As the demand for power efficient systems continues to grow, accurately monitoring system power and energy consumption is increasingly important and is a problem more engineers must solve. One solution to this ...
    Aug 15, 2018
  5. Cabe Atwell Electronic Design The venerable 78xx series continues to march on in an array of electronic devices, but competition in this space has heated up from multiple companies. It’s become a matter of debate as to precisely when the 78xx ...
    Jul 23, 2018
  6. John Caldwell, Texas Instruments EDN Introduction Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) are used extensively in modern electronics because they offer high volumetric efficiencies and low equivalent series resistances at attractive prices. These ...
    Jun 5, 2018
  7. Shyam Sunder Tiwari Electronic Design Designers seeking a quick and easy frequency source often use a relaxation oscillator (Fig. 1) based on digital gates such as the 74HC14 inverter with hysteresis. The oscillator is also useful in sensor signal ...
    May 10, 2018
  8. James Lockridge, Texas Instruments Electronic Design Rather than use a fixed-rail voltage source, it’s more efficient and flexible to utilize a current source so that performance remains consistent while supply rail and coil resistance ...
    Apr 10, 2018

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