Cortex-M0+ is not the newest small, low-power processor and, in fact, some newer offerings may surpass it. However, its broad deployment and mature environment continue to make the processor a compelling offering for low-power applications. So, ...
PragmatIC Semiconductor’s recent announcement about developing a flexible version of the 6502 processor takes tech history buffs on the road to nostalgia. The 8-bit processor and its variants became the brains of seminal computers like the ...
Voltage supervisors have provided analog voltage monitoring to digital circuits for decades. Texas Instruments released the original TL7705 in 1983; it consumed 1.8 mA, came in a plastic dual-inline package (PDIP) and you can still purchase it ...
Uwe Knipping New Electronics There are many reasons why the ARM Cortex-M series of processor cores has come to dominate the market for 32bit microcontrollers. Across the many varieties of Cortex-M cores, design engineers can choose from an array of ...
Wayne Freeman, Microchip Technology Electronic Design The venerable 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) celebrated its 46th birthday this year. Even in middle age, the scrappy, numerically challenged architecture still finds its way into many new embedded ...
Len Sherman EDN The June 23, 1988 issue of EDN included a Maxim Design News insert where we asked Who in their right mind would choose a computer interface standard that uses 12 V supplies, requires expensive connectors, works over a limited ...
Elliot Williams Hackaday We never have enough peripherals on a microcontroller. Whether it’s hardware-driven PWM channels, ADCs, or serial communication peripherals, we always end up wanting just one more of these but don’t really need ...
Mark Hastings, Cypress Semiconductor EE Times To make the best decision as to what will work best for your project, you need to understand how different MCU vendors implement internal programmable logic In the last 25 years, the internal ...
Richard Wilson Electronics Weekly Microcontrollers are becoming system-on-chip (SoC) devices and there is no way back for the ubiquitous controller device, says supplier Microchip. Even low cost 8-bit microcontrollers now integrate a large number ...
Brian Benchoff Hackaday The 6502 is a classic piece of computing history. Versions of this CPU were found in everything from the Apple II, to the Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Commodore 64. The history of the 6502 doesn’t end with ...