Articles - Arduino

Subsection: "Arduino"
Search results: 22 Output: 1-10
  1. William Wong
    If you’ve looked at a development kit lately, it may be compatible with one of the popular hobbyist/maker platforms like Raspberry Pi or Arduino (Fig. 1). It’s not surprising given the ecosystems that have grown up around these popular ...
    Aug 29, 2022
  2. What is Air Pollution? Air pollution is the presence of excessive amount of unwanted harmful solid and gases substances in the air. Cause and Effect of Air Pollution Recently, many cities in the world have encountered rapid urbanization and this ...
    Aug 12, 2021
  1. John Bradnam Use the latest ATtiny processors in the Arduino Environment. These have the memory capacity of ATmega chips in smaller and cheaper packages. Things used in this project Hardware components: Microchip ATTiny1614 , 14 Pin ...
    May 10, 2020
  2. Hack van de dam I could have started with ‘why the Arduino sucks’ or ‘why the Arduino is bad’, which would have gotten me a tremendous load of page views. But I didn’t because it simply isnt’t true. The Arduino ...
    Aug 22, 2018
  3. Maria Guerra Electronic Design Co-founder Massimo Banzi was in New York City for the, and he stopped by Electronic Design’s office to talk about the future of Arduino Arduino, an open-source electronic platform for fast prototyping, helps ...
    Dec 19, 2017
  4. Jacob Beningo
    Despite its popularity among hobbyists and electronics enthusiasts, the Arduino has become infamous among professional embedded systems developers. I must admit that for the longest time I also viewed the Arduino as so simple it was nearly useless ...
    Jan 31, 2017
  5. Wind Energy Foundation 1. The United States currently has 61.11 MW of installed wind project capacity, comprising 5.7% of total U.S. installed electric generating capacity. 2. Wind mills have been in use since 2000 B.C. and were first developed in ...
    Nov 24, 2016
  6. Mark Hastings, Cypress Semiconductor EE Times To make the best decision as to what will work best for your project, you need to understand how different MCU vendors implement internal programmable logic In the last 25 years, the internal ...
    Sep 8, 2016
  7. MCU Open-Source Platforms Arduino Raspberry Pi Beaglebone Black Arduino Yun Intel Galileo
    Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, Arduino Yun, and Intel Galileo which one is right for you? Part 1 Specification and Performance Power Usage To compare power usage of the boards I measured the amount of current drawn by each board as it sat idle, ...
    Feb 14, 2016
  8. MCU Open-Source Platforms Arduino Raspberry Pi Beaglebone Black Arduino Yun Intel Galileo
    Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, Arduino Yun, and Intel Galileo--which one is right for you? Have you heard about small Linux-based development boards like the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black, but been confused about which one is best for you? This ...
    Feb 8, 2016