Typical circuit An ongoing project (or gadget) called for a means of generating an audio output to represent a varying voltage level. Ho hum: that sounds like a voltage-controlled oscillator. But this signal was bipolar, spanning peaks ranging from ...
In the first part of this DI ( Ref. 1 ), we saw how to gate an oscillator to generate well-behaved impulses. Now we find out how to extend that idea to producing well-behaved step functions, or nicely smoothed square waves. The ideal here is the ...
Often, one needs a simple low voltage sinusoidal oscillator with good amplitude and frequency stability and low harmonic distortion; here, the Peltz oscillator becomes a viable candidate. Please see the Peltz oscillator Analog Devices Wiki page ...
The principle behind testing the impulse response of circuits is simple: hit them with a sharp pulse and see what happens. As usual, Wikipedia has an article detailing the process ( Ref. 1 ). This notes that the ideal pulse a unit impulse, or Dirac ...
The circuit in Figure 1 seems utterly simple but demonstrates unusual behavior. It produces an almost square wave of odd-integer quartz harmonics, including its main frequency. Figure 1. A simple circuit that produces an almost square wave ...
To test a gigabit-speed data-recovery chip, you need a clock with a controllable duty cycle. Because most pattern and clock generators have a fixed duty-cycle output of 50%, the design may require a small circuit to distort the duty cycle. The ...
Many engineers and designers are unaware of the advantages of using brushed DC motors as generators. Design engineers know that both brush DC and brushless DC (BLDC) motors can operate as generators, but many tend to avoid running brushed DC motors ...
A spectrally pure sine wave oscillator is required for data converter; filter and audio testing. Figure 1 provides a stable frequency output with extremely low distortion. This quartz stabilized 4 kHz oscillator has less than 9 ppm (0.0009%) ...
Digital potentiometers (digiPOTs) are versatile and can be used in a wide variety of applications, for example, for filtering or generating ac signals. However, sometimes the frequency must be able to be varied and adapted to the desired ...
Since its invention over a half-century ago by Hanz Camenzind at Signetics, the familiar 555 analog timer (in league with its updated pin-compatible CMOS descendants) has become an iconic design element incorporated into useful standardized ...