Articles - High Voltage

Subsection: "High Voltage"
Search results: 4 Output: 1-4
  1. John Betten
    Applications such as printers, laser-based fiber optic systems, and charged-particle air filtration systems require hundreds or even thousands of volts at low power. Flyback converters and autotransformer boosts are reasonable topology choices, but ...
    Apr 12, 2017
  2. Glen Brisebois, Linear Technology Design Note 533 Introduction Linear Technology’s Over-The-Top® op amps have an input stage topology that allows them to operate closed loop well above the positive supply rail. The inputs remain high ...
    Jan 31, 2016
  1. Part 1 ESD immunity The system-level ESD-immunity test simulates the ESD of a human onto an electronic component (Figure 7a). Electrostatic charge on a human can develop in low relative humidity, on low-conductivity carpets, and on vinyl garments. ...
    Feb 12, 2014
  2. Dwight Byrd and Thomas Kugelstadt, Texas Instruments Different testing standartds for ESD exist, and which one you use affects your design challenge ESD (electrostatic discharge) the sudden and momentary electric current that flows between two ...
    Jun 5, 2012