It’s been nearly six years since we unleashed the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero on an unsuspecting world. Of all the products we’ve launched, Zero is still the one I’m proudest of: it most perfectly embodies our mission to give people ...
Paul Rako Electronic Design A look inside the drive brought interesting revelations in terms of the overall design, and unearthed a rather perplexing part I have two Samsung 1.8-in. USB disk drives that I use to back up all my work. They have a ...
Max Maxfield EE Times Imagine you are allowed to pose five questions to determine whether you are communicating with a person or a machine; what questions would you ask? The concept of the Turing test was first mooted by the legendary Alan Turing ...
Applications continue to demand more performance in smaller, more efficient packages. System-on-chip (SoC) solutions that blend GPU and CPU cores try to meet these expectations. NVidia’s Jetson TX1 (Fig. 1) packs supercomputer performance ...
It may have been April Fools’ Day, but Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne were not joking around when they came together on April 1, 1976, to form Apple Computer Inc to sell the Apple I personal computer kit. The kits were hand-built ...
Amy Norcross EDN As part of the quest to give computing devices smaller, more efficient designs, University of Michigan researchers have spent over a decade working to develop what they believe is the world’s smallest complete computer, built ...
Nowadays, there are endless venues for a youngster to get into programming. In the early and mid 1970s less so! Thus, as best as my grey matter can recall, it was a desktop programmable calculator that became my first digital servant, sometime ...
By Max Teodorescu Electronic Products and it’s free! When reading the topic “cardboard virtual reality glasses,” I did the kind of double take normally reserved for spotting acts of delinquency. In what may in fact be some sort of ...
Cabe Atwell EDN Love it or hate it, there's no question that Apple's iPhone line is popular, and while the numbers haven't officially been announced yet, the company has already broken its record for pre-orders online (roughly 4 million in a ...