What’s going on at Intel, the largest beneficiary of the U.S. push to onshore chip manufacturing? While the semiconductor industry was still reeling from a Bloomberg report about TSMC in talks for a controlling stake in Intel Foundry at the ...
High integration in today’s analog ICs is ever expanding, but there are times when a circuit designer needs to design a better differential stage to an amplifier, especially an audio amp or pre-amp, or a voltage controlled resistor, thermally ...
Ask a power converter designer what they want from a semiconductor switch and the answer might be something like: “Low on-resistance, high off-resistance, and the fastest possible transition between the two states”. The idea of course, ...
Planet Analog Analog semiconductor acquisitions are all the rage. After the golden age of analog design innovations spanning across the last three decades of the 20th century, an era of consolidation began with the turn of the 21st century. While ...
With the advancement in technology, every field of science has transformed with the help of latest inventions. Few years ago, electrical circuits were used based on analog signals such as traditional oscilloscope is consisted of analog circuit. But ...
There's a long history of graphics processors and controllers that have changed the course of the computer graphics market. Major players in the emerging graphics chip market, including IBM, Intel and Texas Instruments, helped pave the way for ...
Lee Teschler Power Electronic If you’ve had hassles trying to get component samples for a project, you can thank the efforts of a few enterprising students for making your life more complicated. Here’s a microcosm of what has happened ...
We take a look back at a device that overwhelmingly changed the electronics industry and our lives. As of Dec. 23, 2017, the transistor was officially 70 years old. The invention of the transistor may have been the greatest technology development ...
Joseph Creech and David Rice, Analog Devices This article will provide design details on how to use digital potentiometers with other components highlighting the important considerations and specifications for each use case to ensure the designer ...
Jay Davis EDN All too often, we electrical engineers are under the gun to get a circuit working now, and don’t have the luxury of ordering parts and waiting even a day. The problem: loose parts in the tool box can be nearly impossible to read ...