Rien Oortgiesen, Jens Tybo Jensen, Infineon Technologies Traditional class D amplifiers present significant design challenges in compact applications such as portable consumer sound systems and smart speakers. These challenges include relatively ...
Graham Prophet eeDesignNewsEurope Redux (London UK) has followed earlier announcements of its surface-wave-based haptics technology with a version specifically targeted at the smartphone, with which it aspires to “kill off smartphone ...
By Ken Kingery Duke University A new sensor developed at Duke University helps computers separate overlapping sounds. People trying to talk to Siri may soon no longer have to look like they’re about to eat their iPhones, thanks to a new ...
Dennis Seguine, Cypress Semiconductor Electronic Design Using a pseudorandom sequence (PRS) generator and some software, you can build a pink-noise generator (equal energy per octave) with 1 dB performance over the audio band, in addition to the ...
Martin Rowe EDN It's not unusual to use USB to carry digitized audio. After all, even USB 1.1 has the bandwidth. You may have USB speakers or you may stream audio from a hard drive that's connected to your computer through a USB cable. Can you hear ...
Christina Benjaminsen, SINTEF A sensor developed in Norway gives microphones hyper-acute hearing and a sense of direction A sensor developed by scientists at SINTEF’s MiNaLab will help to make microphones hypersensitive: “Think of ...
Lee H. Goldberg, Electronic Products Digi-Key MCUs currently powering many consumer products and embedded systems are now being asked to support various digital audio functions that used to be handled by DSPs, ASSPs, or other dedicated silicon. ...
With a sub-2.3ms latency, Dutch developer Systec Designs claims its 'stageClix' wireless guitar jack which employs Nordic RF technology is the lowest latency digital wireless audio adapter of its kind available in the world and is actually superior ...
Hugo Letourneau, Future Electronics True audiophile electronic designers have always dreamed of designing the best amplifier perfectly reproducing the recorded soundstage. They may have started to dream about it when they learned in their first ...
David Coode, ON Semiconductor In order to save cost and time, face-to-face meetings and conversations in both our business and personal lives are less frequent than they used to be. Mobile phones and voice over internet technology (VoIP) have been ...