Articles - Oscillators - 2

Subsection: "Oscillators"
Search results: 24 Output: 11-20
  1. Stephen Woodward
    More than a half-century old, the ubiquitous and mind-bogglingly useful 555 analog timer has become a perennial object for both kudus and criticism. Most of the former and some of the latter is justified, but sometimes a supposed shortcoming will ...
    Mar 25, 2022
  2. Julius Foit
    Many applications call for wide-range-tunable LC oscillators that can deliver a nearly constant-frequency, nearly harmonic-free output even when the circuit's output load changes. From a design viewpoint, eliminating either inductive or ...
    Mar 13, 2022
  1. Jordan Dimitrov
    A free-running generator built on the standard configuration of the 555 timer can't provide a duty cycle of exactly 50%. That's a well-known fact. Fortunately, there are several ways to get around this problem. The best is to place an extra ...
    Feb 10, 2022
  2. Gavin Watkins
    Oscillators Texas Instruments CD74HC02 CD74HC30 CD74HC390
    This project originated from the need to produce a linear crystal-controlled ramp signal for an HP 8620C RF sweep oscillator. It is inspired by a previously published ramp generator design [ 1 ]. That design though suffered from two issues: it used ...
    Nov 22, 2021
  3. Herminio Martinez
    By using JFETs in unusual configurations, you can design simple, high-frequency LC oscillators with few passive components. The structure for implementing the amplifier stage comprises a JFET transistor that you configure as a common drain (Figure ...
    Oct 21, 2021
  4. Designing astable circuits using the industry-standard 555 timer is a straightforward process when duty cycles are 50% or greater. However, you must overcome the many pitfalls of low-duty-cycle circuits to arrive at a desired result. Using only ...
    Jan 20, 2021
  5. Electronic Design Proper component selection can help reduce startup time for gated oscillators. Gated oscillators always present the typical problem of having a delay when a digital input control signal enables its oscillation. This delay happens ...
    Sep 23, 2020
  6. Shyam Sunder Tiwari Electronic Design Designers seeking a quick and easy frequency source often use a relaxation oscillator (Fig. 1) based on digital gates such as the 74HC14 inverter with hysteresis. The oscillator is also useful in sensor signal ...
    May 10, 2018
  7. KC Yang
    High frequency Helmholtz coils are often used to generate uniform but time varying high frequency magnetic fields for a number of applications such as magnetic field susceptibility, calibration, and scientific experiment. A high frequency Helmholtz ...
    Dec 6, 2016
  8. Analogue Design Oscillators Analog Devices AD8330 AD8338 ADA4870 AD8130 AD9834C AD8310
    David Hunter, Analog Devices Analog Dialogue Part 1. The AD8338 Input Network For this design, the differential output amplitude will be 1.0 V. With factory default settings, the internal 500 Ω resistors, and maximum gain, the input amplitude ...
    Dec 7, 2015