Articles - Power - 2

Subsection: "Power"
Search results: 62 Output: 11-20
  1. This publication details circuitry and applications considerations for the LT1533 low noise switching regulator. Eleven DC/DC converter circuits are presented, some offering 100µV output noise in a 100MHz bandwidth. Tutorial sections detail ...
    Aug 2, 2018
  2. This application note describes the unique operating characteristics of the LT1005 and describes a number of useful applications which take advantage of the regulator's ability to control the output with a logic control signal.
    Mar 24, 2018
  1. This application note describes a number of enhancement circuit techniques used with existing 3-terminal regulators which extend current capability, limit power dissipation, provide high voltage output, operate from 110 VAC or 220 VAC without the ...
    Mar 24, 2018
  2. Bob Sheehan Electronic Design Ascertaining the relationship between bandwidth and response in power supplies isn’t easy, but this Idea for Design presents a measurement approach that helps ease the process. It’s normal to assume that ...
    Jan 9, 2018
  3. Supply Power Texas Instruments LM5001 LM5022 LM5121 LM5122 TPS60150
    Haifeng Fan, Texas Instruments Introduction The demand for boost regulators has increased recently due to emerging applications in automotive, industrial and consumer marketplaces. Examples of new applications include emergency call (eCall) ...
    Oct 30, 2017
  4. Supply Power Texas Instruments LM5001 LM5022 LM5121 LM5122 TPS60150
    Haifeng Fan, Texas Instruments Part 1 Non-synchronous versus synchronous rectification Figure 7. Synchronous boost regulator. The DC/DC switching regulators shown in the previous examples are all non-synchronous in which a rectifier diode is used. ...
    Oct 30, 2017
  5. Pinkesh Sachdev
    Introduction Battery-powered electronics poses multiple challenges to the power system engineer. At a theoretical level, the battery related circuitry (before DC/DC conversion) may be divided into four functions: power selection, charging (for ...
    Oct 5, 2017
  6. John Betten
    Applications such as printers, laser-based fiber optic systems, and charged-particle air filtration systems require hundreds or even thousands of volts at low power. Flyback converters and autotransformer boosts are reasonable topology choices, but ...
    Apr 12, 2017
  7. Steve Taranovich
    Digital control inside an on-board power supply facilitates improved efficiency, reduced total cost and advanced system power management. The following is from an Ericsson white paper and is very relevant to Digital Power. Digital techniques in ...
    Apr 3, 2017
  8. Ron Michallik, Texas Instruments Electronic Design This Idea for Design rearranges the schematic and physical layout of an isolated dc-dc converter using a shunt regulator to overcome susceptibility to ESD and electrical overstress. Did you know ...
    Mar 1, 2017