Articles: Arduino - 3

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  1. .. Ruggeduino is a ruggedized Arduino-compatible microcontroller board (Figure 1). Features include overcurrent and overvoltage protection on all ...
    Apr 30, 2015
  1. .. too. Priced at $179 with radio. CrazyFlie Nano If you want the real deal the ArduCopter 3.0 built around the venerable Arduino platform claims to be “more than your average quadcopter” (whatever that might be). It’s ...
    Dec 10, 2014
  1. .. We believe the Cubic SoC board has a lot more performance and capability than other similar products out there (e.g., Arduino or Raspberry Pi) and using the Cyclone FPGA's pin migration capability adding additional hardware resources ...
    May 24, 2016
  2. .. with no prior knowledge of computing. It also connects to other devices, sensors, kits and objects, and is a companion to Arduino, Galileo, Kano, littleBits and Raspberry Pi, acting as a spring board to more complex learning. Each ...
    Feb 29, 2016
  3. .. any PIC development. I started off with Atmel chips because you could program them with a parallel port. These were the pre-Arduino days and I didn’t want to invest in a proper programmer until making sure I liked the chip family. ...
    Apr 28, 2016
  4. Microcontrollers Western Design Center W65C02SXB W65c816SXB 65C134SXB W65C265SXB
    .. boards, this hardware proved to be both excellent. They’re great for educators adventurous enough to deviate from the Arduino, Processing, and Fritzing zeitgeist, and for anyone who wants to dip their toes into the world of 65xx ...
    May 19, 2016
  5. Michael Dunn
    .. footprints as fine as TSSOP TQFP can be created. Solder paste stencils can also be cut using the mill. The Otherduino, an Arduino-compatible microcontroller. Our free software, Otherplan, imports your designs in familiar formats Vector ...
    Oct 13, 2015
  6. .. of the device into a custom design, Atmel offers ATMEGA328PB-XMINI Evalutation Kit (Xplained Mini series) which is made in Arduino shield compatible foot prints. Additional Pin Functionalities ATmega328PB supports four additional GPIOs on ...
    Sep 15, 2016
  7. .. to our home or workplace. The first thing to do is design the PCB to our liking, we can also load a ready made PCB as Arduino Esplora: Then we need to click on the button at the top Convert to PCB design to go directly to the ...
    May 24, 2016
  8. .. card reader, and audio and mic ports will let you do just about anything you want to do with this little board. It even has Arduino-compatible pinouts. Although the Dual Basic is currently the best deal among UDOO boards, it will soon be ...
    Dec 5, 2017

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