Rich Nowakowski and Robert Taylor, Texas Instruments Analog Applications Journal Linear regulators have been around for many years. Some designers still use linear regulators that are over 20 years old for new and old projects. Others have made ...
Kris Lokere, Linear Technology EDN Introduction The “Internet of Things” refers to a growing trend to connect not only people and computers, but all sorts of “things” to the Internet. In applications such as industrial ...
By Stephen Evanczuk Digi-Key Voltage references are vital in ensuring accuracy in any measurement application. For sensor applications powered by energy harvesting, where engineers need to manage very-tight power budgets, ultra-low-power voltage ...
PI Ceramic GmbH Adaptronics Industrial Applications of Tomorrow The development of self-correcting, adaptive systems is receiving more and more attention in modern industrial research. Structures using “smart materials” which integrate ...
Margery Conner EE Times LED bulb prices are dropping. A year ago you could expect to pay $50 for a Philips dimmable 60W-replacement LED bulb, while today you can go to Best Buy and purchase its house brand 8W, 800 lumens Insignia 60W-replacement ...
Edward Ong, Power Integrations New Electronics With standby power consumption representing a significant proportion of electricity consumed around the world, standards for no load performance are tightening. For example, the European Commission's ...
Prasad Dhond Texas Instruments Introduction Sub-metering applications such as smart plugs and appliance energy meters enable consumers to understand and control their energy-usage patterns. Other sub-metering applications such as server power ...
J ames Patterson, National Semiconductor EDN There are more than 2 million installed TRIAC dimmers worldwide, and they can prove a challenge to the control circuitry of an LED light. With such a large base, backward compatibility is a must. The ...
Ashok Bindra, Electronic Products Digi-Key By definition, the power factor (PF) of an AC source is defined as the ratio of the real power, in watts, flowing into the load to the apparent power in the circuit, which is the product of current and ...
Tiger Zhou, Texas Instruments Remote sensing is widely used in telecommunication applications to meet the demanding accuracy requirements of critical ASICs and processors. This article discusses design considerations for remote sensing, including ...