Articles Power - 5

Subsection: "Power"
Search results: 61 Output: 41-50
  1. CAD & Software Power Fairchild Power Supply WebDesigner
    Modules Provide Optimum Combination of Power Discrete Semiconductors, Transformers and Inductor Design Values Fairchild Semiconductor has enhanced Power Supply WebDesigner (PSW) an online design and simulation tool that provides complete designs in ...
  2. Karthik Kadirvel, Texas Instruments ECN Personal battery-powered devices range from single-cell devices such as cell phones to multi-cell devices such as electric cars. Range anxiety is a common issue among all battery-operated electronics. Users ...
  1. Edward Ong, Power Integrations New Electronics With standby power consumption representing a significant proportion of electricity consumed around the world, standards for no load performance are tightening. For example, the European Commission's ...
  2. Publitek Marketing Communications Digi-Key As rising energy prices take effect and legislation outlaws incandescent bulbs, homeowners are looking for more energy-efficient lighting that provides them with the quality of illumination and control ...
  3. Rick Demeis EDN Engineers sometimes get assignments that are not only challenging learning experiences but also just plain fun. That scenario happened when John Scott- Thomas, UBM TechInsights’ product-marketing manager, and Al Steier, Munro ...
  4. Alan Ball, ON Semiconductor PowerPulse As the demand for high power electronic equipment grows, it becomes necessary to drive high-voltage, high-current loads. Achieving high levels of both voltage and current in a switching power converter often ...
  5. Martin Murnane, Analog Devices Solar Photovoltaic Inverters A major portion of the electrical energy produced directly from the sun’s radiation is generated by solar photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert photons of light energy to electron ...
  6. Ashok Bindra, Electronic Products Digi-Key By definition, the power factor (PF) of an AC source is defined as the ratio of the real power, in watts, flowing into the load to the apparent power in the circuit, which is the product of current and ...
  7. Steve Sandler, Charles Hymowitz, AEI Systems Inc. Electronic Design Instead of your trusty old oscilloscope, try using a spectrum analyzer to measure the noise sources that degrade ADC performance Noise from the power supply, linear regulators, and ...
  8. There are definitely some hefty words in the title but Texas Instruments (TI) has brought something new to the motor control table with its InstaSpin-FOC (field-oriented-control) solution. It is a combination of hardware and software that supports ...