By Gustavo Castro and Scott Hunt, Analog Devices Analog Dialogue Instrumentation amplifiers (in-amps) can condition the electrical signals generated by sensors, allowing them to be digitized, stored, or used to control processes. The signal is ...
The other day Linda from Purchasing came to me with a problem: Lou from Operations needed to source a replacement for a shorted diode on a switching power supply. The darned thing was marked with a strange part number that no amount of Googling ...
The LTC2983 solves the unique problems presented by all standard temperature sensors to produce unmatched conformity and ease-of-use. Temperature measurement is not new. Galileo invented a rudimentary thermometer capable of detecting temperature ...
Ken Wada Temperature is one of the most common parameters monitored by an embedded system. There is a wide array of temperature sensors available to achieve this. The sensor types can range from exotic black body detectors to the ...
Glen Brisebois, Linear Technology Design Note 533 Introduction Linear Technology’s Over-The-Top® op amps have an input stage topology that allows them to operate closed loop well above the positive supply rail. The inputs remain high ...
Electronics Engineering Herald When National Instruments developed its virtual instrumentation product, it created a new market and helped many design engineers to explore personal computer as a test and measurement platform. The availability of ...
I am continually amazed at how the pioneers of electronics, and microwaves in particular, did their research and development with little or no test equipment. How can you design or repair anything without being able to measure key parameters? Yet ...
By Johann Zipperer Peter Weber, Texas Instruments. Electronic Specifier A novel approach to digitally measuring analog current could deliver greater accuracy at ultra-low powers Measuring current can be as simple as putting a shunt resistor in ...
Kenneth Wyatt EDN These unusual EMI sources may be used to perform pre-compliance testing (radiated or conducted immunity) to help determine the immunity characteristics of your circuits or product. Chattering Relay (120 VAC powered) - can produce ...
Dennis Seguine, Cypress Semiconductor Electronic Design Using a pseudorandom sequence (PRS) generator and some software, you can build a pink-noise generator (equal energy per octave) with 1 dB performance over the audio band, in addition to the ...