Circuits & Schematics: Design - 7

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Search results: 967 Output: 61-70
  1. Circuits Supply Texas Instruments LM311 LM555 VFC32BM CD4011A
    .. Design Idea significantly improves conversion efficiency of externally driven flyback converter-based capacitor ...
  1. .. rechargeable battery types can be damaged by deep discharge. This Design Idea circuit performs under-voltage protection (UVP) to prevent this, as well as acting as a load switch ...
  1. .. you may need a group of switches where, if any switch is activated, it deactivates the previously active switch. This Design Idea implements such a function with relays. This “one and only one” function is often ...
  2. .. two Howland current pumps, a differential amplifier, and a boatload of precision resistors; it is also DC coupled. This design idea offers an alternative. It avoids the liabilities of dual element ganged pots by controlling the gain of ...
  3. .. just one leftover op amp or comparator, you can add a battery-condition indicator to your portable circuit design. To indicate the life in an aging battery visually, the circuit in Figure 1 varies the duty cycle and flash ...
  4. .. often need to measure current during circuit design and debugging. You can perform that task by breaking a path, inserting a shunt resistor, measuring its ...
  5. .. generates information for the motor that rotates the panels for tracking the sun. DIY sun tracking sensor The sensor design is shown in Figure 2. P1 and P2 are adjusted in such way that the motor stands still when the LDRs get the ...
  6. .. design idea contributor, Peter Demchenko, recently published “Extending the resolution of a peripheral ...
  7. Circuits Microcontrollers Usage Digital Texas Instruments CD74HC14 CD74HC132 CD74HC137 CD74HC259
    .. design idea (Figure 1) shows how easily “new flesh can be added to the old bones” and how some new ...
  8. .. if allowed to persist, but U1 subtracts a matching 2.5 V and thereby fixes it. If you’re considering using this design, please be aware it assumes that current drawn from the positive output will be always at least as great as ...

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